[GUIDA] Starfield: cheat code per la versione PC!
Dall’alba dei tempi, i titoli Bethesda supportano dei “cheat code” (anche se è una dicitura impropria, perché sarebbero i “console commands”), ovvero delle stringhe di codice da inserire nella apposita “console mode”. La “console mode” è un menù specifico che si apre premendo la chiocciola (@) sulla vostra tastiera, ed è accessibile solo su PC. Nel caso utilizziate delle tastiere impostate su UK il tasto per aprire la console mode è il “Grave (`), mentre sulle tastiere USA il tasto è Tilde (~). Su Xbox la “console mode” non è stata mai sbloccata ufficialmente, nemmeno con delle mod (sia su Fallout che su Elder Scrolls), quindi presumo che Starfield non farà eccezione; al massimo arriveranno delle mod che agiranno individualmente su alcuni aspetti specifici del gioco.
Nemmeno ve lo devo dire, ma i console commands “rompono” il gioco, rendendo triviali alcuni dei suoi aspetti fondamentali (danni, munizioni, ostacoli, crediti, peso) quindi USATELI CON CAUTELA, o solo a scopo “didattico”.
NOTA BENE: Ufficialmente, i cheat code BLOCCANO gli achievement quando vengono usati, quindi se il vostro obiettivo è millare Starfield, non potrete farlo usando i codici (anche se c’è una mod per aggirare questa limitazione). Se avete un salvataggio e usate un cheat, da quel momento in poi non potrete ottenere achievement, ma se ricaricate il save a PRIMA dell’utilizzo del cheat, il salvataggio sarà ancora valido per ottenere gli obiettivi.
I console commands principali sono i seguenti:
- tgm – God Mode. Invulnerabilità e munizioni infinite.
- tim – Immortal Mode. Puoi subire danni, ma non puoi morire.
- player.additem f [valore] – Crediti infiniti.
- player.additem a [valore] – Digipick infiniti.
- player.setav carryweight 999999 – Peso trasportabile “infinito”.
- player.setlevel [valore] – Imposta il livello del tuo personaggio.
- psb – SPOILER [Sblocca i 24 poteri].
- tdetect – Mentre sei in stealth, gli NPC non ti noteranno.
- tcai – Gli NPC non ti targhetteranno nè colpiranno.
- tcl – No Clip. Potrai attraversare I muri e gli oggetti.
- tfc – Abilita la telecamera liberoa.
- kah – Uccide tutti gli NPC ostili nei paraggi.
- passtime [ore] – Fa trascorrere un determinato numero di ore.
- showlooksmenu player 1 – Apre l’editor del personaggio.
- tm – Nasconde e Mostra l’interfaccia di gioco.
- setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed 1 – Rende “superate” tutte le sfide dialettiche di persuasione.
Ora in lingua inglese, eccovi TUTTI i cheat code del gioco.
Console Command | Description |
tgm | God Mode. Makes you invincible and gives you unlimited ammo. |
player.additem f [value] | Infinite money. |
player.additem a [value] | Infinite Digipicks. |
player.setav carryweight 999999 | Infinite Carry Capacity. |
player.additem [item id] [value] | Spawns the specified item in your inventory. |
player.placeatme [item id] [value] | Spawns the specified item or creature in front of your character. |
tdetect | NPCs will no longer detect you in stealth. |
tcai | NPCs will no longer target and attack you. |
killall | Kills all NPCs in the vicinity, even non-hostile ones. |
kah | Kills all hostile NPCs in the vicinity. |
resurrect | Resurrects the targeted NPC. |
[ref id].amod [omod id] | Applies the specified weapon mods to your weapon. |
[ref id].rmod [omod id] | Removes the specified weapon mods from your weapon. |
tim | Immortal Mode. You can take damage but your health will never hit 0. |
psb | Unlocks all 24 powers. |
unlock | Unlocks the targeted door or container. |
sexchange | Changes your character’s gender to the opposite sex. |
showmenu sleepwaitmenu | Opens the wait/pass time menu. |
player.setlevel [value] | Sets your character to the specified level. |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction id] | Pay Off Bounties for a specific Faction. |
showlooksmenu player 1 | Opens the character creator, allowing you to change your appearance. |
player.addperk [perk id] | Add Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds. |
player.removeperk [perk id] | Removes the specified skill, trait, or background. |
tcl | No Clip. Allows you to move through walls and other objects. |
tm | Toggles the UI on and off. |
tfc | Toggles freefly camera, allowing you to fly around. |
saq | Starts all main story and side missions. Can cause crashes! |
caqs | Completes all main story and side missions. Can cause crashes! |
showhighmaxheights [shmh] | Shows or hides the high res max height data. |
enablestorymanagerlogging | Enables story manager logging. |
dumppapyrusstacks [dps] | Dumps all Papyrus stack information to the log. |
dumppapyrustimers | Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log. |
dumppapyruslosevents | Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log. |
dumppapyrusdistanceevents | Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log. |
dumppapyruspersistenceinfo [dppi] | Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed. |
dumppapyruseventregistrations | Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script). |
runcompaction | Run a pass of compaction if possible. |
setsubgraphtodebug | Sets Subgraph To Debug Mode. |
enablerumble | Enables/disables controller rumble. |
havokvdbcapture | Toggles Havok VDB Capture |
togglenavmeshinfo | Toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos. |
playsyncanim | Play Sync Anim. |
setformknown | Sets the known flag on a form. |
setdebugquest | Sets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type. |
setquestaliaslogging | Turns alias logging on/off for a quest. |
setrace | Sets the passed in actor’s race. |
findform [find] | Find a form. |
startpapyrusscriptprofile [startpsp] | Starts profiling a Papyrus script. |
stoppapyrusscriptprofile [stoppsp] | Stops profiling a Papyrus script. |
startpapyrusformprofile [startpfp] | Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form. |
stoppapyrusformprofile [stoppfp] | Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form. |
startpapyrusstackrootprofile | Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script. |
stoppapyrusstackrootprofile | Stops profiling all Papyrusstacks starting at a script. |
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] | Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles everything) |
printquestsceneinfo | Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes. |
isinvulnerable | Is the actor invulnerable? |
collisionmesh | Toggle Mesh Collision Info |
havokworldstep [hkstep] | Toggle BhkWorld Havok Step Info |
isolaterendering | Enable isolated rendering for selected object. |
togglewatercurrentgeometry | Displays or hides water current geometry. |
performaction | Performs the specified action on the selected actor. |
starttrackplayerdoors | Starts tracking player-activated teleport doors. |
stoptrackplayerdoors | Stops tracking player-activated teleport doors. |
checkplayerdoors | Compares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path. |
setinchargen | Toggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled] |
forcereset | Force the game to run a full reset. |
forceclosefiles | Close masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.] |
hotloadplugin [hlp] | Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.] |
generatebendablespline [spline] | Generate a bendable spline geometry instance. |
reload [script] | Reloads the specified Papyrus script. |
testaim | Test an actor’s aim. |
testlook | Test an actor’s looking. |
pushcamera | Push camera to editor. |
movetoeditorcamera | Move to the editor camera. |
movetoeditorselection | Move to the editor selection. |
placefurnituretester [pft] | Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter. |
dumpconditionsfunctions | Output the current counters for condition function calls. |
reloadanimationgraphs | Reload the currently loaded animation graphs. |
toggleweaponoverlay | Toggle the weapon overlay. |
forcedetect | Forces the selected actor to detect the specified actor. |
changeanimarchetype [caa] | Change the selected actor’s anim archetype. |
changeanimflavor | Change the selected actor’s animal flavor. |
setangrywithplayer | Set the angry with player flag. |
forcerepath | Force the actor to repath. |
forcepathfailure | Force the actor’s path to fail. |
dumpformlist | Dump the contents of given formlist to the console output. |
traceanimationevents | Trace an actor’s animation events. |
showmods | Show all property mods on an object. |
dumpinputenablelayers | Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console. |
attachmod | Attach a mod to an object. |
removemod | Remove a mod from an object. |
spawntemplatedobject | Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2] |
callfunction | Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters. |
callquestfunction [cqf] | Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters. |
callglobalfunction [cgf] | Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters. |
resetinputenablelayer | Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer. |
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] | Force-enables the player’s controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls. |
resetforceenabledplayercontrols | Resets all force-enabled player controls. |
getactorrefowner | Prints the owner of the currently selected reference. |
setactorrefowner [saro] | Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player). |
hasactorrefowner [haro] | Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise. |
setoutfit | Change the default outfit for the actor. |
passtime [hours] | Passes the specified number of hours. |
linklocations | Links two locations under the given keyword. |
showlinkedlocations | Outputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword. |
setlinkedref | Links the current ref to the given one under the given keyword. |
resetcontainer | Resets the currently selected container, or if you specify “1”, then it’ll reset all containers. |
setscenefordebug | Sets the current debug scene. |
preloadexterior | Preloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref. |
testpath | Debug function to test a path. |
togglecontrolsoverly | Toggle Controls Overlay |
refresh | Rebug function to refresh a reference. |
dynamicresolution | Change the dynamic resolution settings. |
testloadingmenu | Debug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread. |
recalcinstancedata | Debug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected. |
togglereferencepose | Toggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify “target” or “rig” as well. |
setpersistlocation | Debug function to set the persist loc on reference. |
setlocationreftype | Debug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference. |
showlocdata | Debug function to dump data about a location. |
reserveloc | Debug function to reserve a location so it can’t be used for most aliases. |
updateawakesound [uas] | Update the selected actor’s current conscious loop. |
setharvested | Mark the current reference as Harvested or not. |
pausescene | Pause or unpause the specified scene. |
spawndupe | Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref. |
disabledistantreferences | Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref. |
fireassert | Fire an assert (with text passed, if available). |
forcepersistent | Force a reference to become persistent. |
playactioncamera [pac] | Play this action camera on the reference with target reference. |
stopactioncamera | Stop the action camera. |
changestance | Change the actor’s stance. |
auditionwwiseevent | Set of commands for auditioning Wwise events. |
auditionreverbform [arf] | Force a given Reverb form to be active. |
setwwisestate [sws] | Sets a global Wwise State |
buildanimationdata [bad] | Build the animation data for the actor. |
switchskeleton | Toggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor. |
gethelloorgreeting [actor] | Prints out the info id for actor’s hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player. |
setbonetintregion | Add bone tint data to an object’s 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object. |
senddialogueevent | Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor. |
setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed [1/0] | Make all speech challenges automatically succeed. |
setforcespeechchallengealwaysfail [1/0] | Make all speech challenges automatically fail. |
runmaterialsanalysis [rma] | Compares the materials of the selected reference. |
capturemessages [string] | Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the output to CaptureMessage.Iua |
toggletrijuice | Toggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance). |
setpresentthreshold [spt] | Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap) |
linkfullaccount | Link full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password) |
isloggedin [isonline] | Is the player logged in to Bethesda.net? |
getlegaldocs [getlegaldocs] | Retrieves a list of all required legal documents. |
acceptlegaldoc | Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id) |
getdataattachment | Prints data from Bethesda.net Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id) |
deletedataattachment | Deletes a Bethesda.net Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id) |
uploadcharacterdata | Uploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment. |
getattachmentleaderboard [getattachmentleaderboard] | Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard (attachment type) (leaderboard type) |
loaduniteddata | Gets character data from leadersboard and caches it. |
makeunitynpc | Updates NPC with data from unity cache. |
setvolumetriclighting parameters [vl] | Set volumetric lighting parameters. |
startworkshop [workshop] | Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop. |
togglevblankoptim | Toggles VBlank optim |
addkeyword | Add the given keyword to the reference |
removekeyword | Remove the given keyword on the reference. |
setambientparticlesenabled | Enables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles. |
removeoutposts [ref] | Removes the given Outpost and all built items. |
setesramsetup | Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup). |
callstacktracedepth | Set the callstack depth when tracing it. |
commandedactivated | Commands selected actor to use a reference. |
enablegalaxymode | Enables/Disables galaxy mode. |
togglestarfielddebug | Toggles the StarField debug on or off. |
setstarfieldcoordinatescale [value] | Sets the StarField coordinate scale. |
setstarsystemscale [sss] | Sets the star system scale. |
movetoplanet | If target player ship, move to or give path to pilot to (target) (1 to do full jump sequence). |
setorbitspeedscale | Sets global orbit speed scale. |
instancenamingrules | Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt. |
getorbismodinfo | Prints info relating to Orbis mod game data files. |
togglescenedebug | Show debug state for scene. |
setfarclip | Set far clip value. (-1 to clear override) |
toggleoverdraw | Toggle overdraw |
recordscene | Capture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default]) |
landonplanet [lop] | Land on a planet. (lop ) |
takeofftospace | Take off to space. |
previewbodyresources [pbr] | Previews resources for a planet. |
sendaffinityevent | (AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference. |
addpower | AddPower (part) # |
removepower | RemovePower (part) # |
matlockcapture | Force matlock to realize a capture. |
togglesnapnodemarkers | Toggle snap node markers. |
setvoicetype | Set an override voice type on an actor. |
addworldspacetoplanet | Adds a world space to a planet. |
debugdataprovider | Set the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug. |
loadall3d | Load all queued 3D. |
printallmenus [pam] | Print all active menus. |
printallinputcontext [paic] | Print the input context stack. |
addplottobody [addplot] | Plot a route to this body. |
reloadfacedata | Reload face data. |
setgravityscale | Sets gravity scale on a ref’s parent cell. |
previewblock | PreviewBlock (blockname) (biome). |
exportterraintextures | Export terrain textures. |
exportterraingrids | Export terrain grids. |
exportterrainheightmap | Export terrain height map. |
exportterrainsplatmap | Explort terrain splat map. |
exportterrainmaterialindexmap | Export terrain material index map. |
exportterrainfiles | Export terrain files. |
updateterrainclipmaps | Refresh Terrain Clipmaps. |
toggledebugcamera | Toggle debug camera (mode name) |
cycleprevdebugcamera | Cycle to previous debug camera. |
cyclenextdebugcamera | Cycle to next debug camera. |
toggledebugcameracontrols | Toggle debug camera controls. |
setimguiwindowfunction [siw] | Activate an ImGui window. |
invokeuievent | Invokes a ui > c++ event. |
hotreloadui | Hot Reloads the User Interface SWFs. |
setposrelativetoref | Script function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player). |
faceref | Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset. |
setworkshopitem | Set the Workshop menu’s Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any. |
generatenavmesh | Generates nav-mesh on the current cell. |
landonplanetanimated | Land player’s spaceship with animation. |
startnewgame | Command to trigger new game on main menu without UI. |
forcedbleedout | Force an actor to enter bleedout. |
forceconditionformtrue | Force a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1. |
forceconditionformfalse | Force a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1. |
landonplanetbiome | Land on a planet’s biome. (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1]) |
landonplanetmarker | Land at a marker on the current planet. |
testallplanets | TestPlanets |
clearlinkedref | Clear a linked reference. |
setlocaltime | Sets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim. |
reloadmaterials | Reloads all materials. |
placementoncell | Test overlay placement on a cell. (poc (cellindex.x)(xellindex.y)) |
toggleworkshopflycam | Toggle workshop flycam. |
checkbiomemarker | Finds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker. |
testbiomeplanet [tbp] | Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there. |
previewpattern | PreviewPattern (patternname)(biome) |
sethavokdynamic | Set reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg. |
sethavokkinematic | Set reference motion to kinematic. |
sethavokactive | Set reference havok activity. |
sethavoklod | Set reference collision lod. |
sethavoklinearvelocity | Set reference linear velocity. |
sethavokangularvelocity | Set reference angular velocity. |
sethavokcollisionlayer | Set havok collision layer. |
sethavokragdollfriction | Set havok ragdoll friction. |
sethavokparam | Set havok param. |
showhavokragdollvalues | Show havok ragdoll values. |
starthavokparttest | Start/reset havok particles test. |
stophavokparttest | Stop havok particles test. |
setorientation | Set reference orientation |
toggledebugtext3d | Toggle in game debug text. |
togglebiooverlay | Toggle the BI Overlay. |
togglemetricviewer | Spawn Metric Viewer |
printmessage | Print a message to the screen (print (message) (time) (clear previous messages flag)) |
adddebugtest | Add debug text to a reference (AddDebugText (debug text) (size) (color) (background color) (border color) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) (pinned flag) |
disableactorpackage [1/0] | Disable or enable an actor’s package. |
stopbatchfile | Stop a running batchfile. |
centeronspacecell | Move to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship. |
dependencygraphdump | Dump Dependency Graph. |
toggleexperimentalshaders | Toggles experimental shaders on/off. |
settestplanetandbiome | Sets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers. |
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